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Saturday 11 June 2016


Red flag signs that your engine oil is due for a change.

Changing your oil as regularly as possible is very necessary to
maintain the life of your car. You may ask why, but the thing is, for
those who don't know. That new greenish oil you just poured into your
engine or had a mechanic pour it not for you will gradually loose its
viscosity( its thickness). And become just like water.
And when this happens, your car could soon be in big trouble. But
you may ask- how do I get to know that my car is due for an oil
change? Some may suggest stuff like run it for 5000km and you change,
but the truth is some newer cars can handle up to 6,500km. And so the
next question is, how do I know the right time to change that precious
liquid for a new one?

The oil is just so black and looks dirty:
Its normal for oil to turn dark shortly after an oil change. But
taking a close look will tell you that the oil is just blacker than
usual and it may even(or likely) contain debris. To check, you may
just have to get you hands dirty a bit, or get some gloves. Locate the
dip stick, it's a rod that has handle and attaches to the engine. It
dips into the oil tank. Put in that dip stick once and drip some oil
from the tip onto a finger and examine it. You could rub the oil
between your fingers to check for particles in it. If you discover
that the oil leaves so much stain on your finger then call a mechanic.

You know its been a long time
Its nice to keep a schedule that roughly reminds of the exact period
you changed your oil. Now if you know that its been a very long since
you did, or you can't actually remember when you did it last, then its
a sure sign you need to do it again.

The oil level is low:
Your engine drinks up oil when its running, but tends to reduce old
oil more easily. So if you check and find out that your oil level is
low, or may have come down so quickly, then you could really need to
pour out the old oil before putting in a new one.

Engine louder than usual
When your engine is not well lubricated with good oil, it begins to
make some very loud noise. And its because. The parts are grinding
against each other without something in between. And this can be very
loud. You don't need a worried neighbour to come over and tell teach
you about changing oil. Do it ASAP.

Oil is weak
Good oil is nicely thick and sticks well. Old oil has gone through a
lot of heat and stress so it will lose this quality. Take some oil
with your dip stick an try picking it with your index finger and
thumb. Does it feel sticky? If not, and of course if its backed up by
its colour, then go for it. Change your oil.

Engine light always on
Your engine light can also come on when your lubricant has issues. So
the moment you see it(most new cars have it) use your dip stick before
anything else. Wink*


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